Home of Sustainable Produce Containers and the Cresbi® System
Please note: We will not be ordering more crates so when our stock is gone that will be the last of the CRESBI crates.
CRESBI (pronounced cress' bee). It's not just a crate. It's a system AND a lifestyle. And it fits into every grocery cart!
What? You carry a CRATE into the store? With straps? And no one arrests you? Yeah, at first it seems weird and looking at the little suckers who would think they hold as much as they do? But they do! They really replace up to 6 plastic bags!!! And they last WAYYYYY longer than any crappy reusable bag, unless you run them over with a tractor (true story). Plus you can wash them in the dishwasher if your chicken leaks and that's a lot easier because the dishwasher is RIGHT THERE where you emptied all the food out that you just easily brought in. Think you'll forget to put them back in your car? What are you, colorblind? They match NO ONE'S kitchen decor. Think you'll forget to bring them into the store? When you pay this much for grocery containment you will march yourself right back to your car and get them!
And what about that name??? Crispy? Crusty? What the heck? Blame it on Sara Blakely of Spanx. She said madeup names do better and being one of the youngest billionaires in the USA, we tend to listen.
Q: What does the name CRESBI mean?
A: Yeah, we could have named them something common like "clever" collapsible popup shopping basket crates because they are so clever BUT the name actually stands for something. CRESBI is an acronym for Collapsible Reusable Environmentally-friendly Stackable Box Idea. This durable patent-pending SYSTEM for carrying your groceries is smart, flexible, protects your food and saves you time at the store and at home. Developed by a stay-at-home mom/engineer/edamame farmer with a passion for helping others, every multi-system includes an adjustable strap and every system includes some form of "thermal protection".
Q: Why buy a CRESBI crate system? The MANY benefits:
SAVE THE EARTH - One CRESBI crate can replace up to 6 plastic bags, depending on what you buy.
AVOID THE HASSLE OF RECYCLING PLASTIC BAGS One shopper in one year on average gets 500 plastic bags, no need to recycle now!
AVOID GERMS ON QUICK TRIPS - You don’t have to use the store’s basket by bringing in your own CRESBI crate.
SAVE TIME AT THE CHECKOUT - If the checkers at the store you shop at have hand-held scanners, open your crates when you walk in the store. Put your barcodes up on your products as you place them in the crates. If it’s not too full, at checkout the checker can scan them in the crate with a handheld scanner and not take them out of the crates.
SAVE YOUR PRODUCTS - No more free range cans, bruised fruit, or crushed bread.
MULTI-PURPOSE, SAVES SPACE - Stackable CRESBI crates can be used forpotlucks, camping, etc then collapsed down.
THERMAL PROTECTION INCLUDED - All systems except the Cooler 5 Pack come with the custom- fit cooler insert to keep foods hot or cold.
EASY TO CLEAN, DISHWASHER SAFE - You can kill 99% of bacteria by washing CRESBI crate in In very hot water like that in a dishwasher.
ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE - Love the CRESBI crate concept but want more? Check out all the great accessories!
FITS ALL GROCERY CARTS - Collapsible crates have been around forever but CRESBI crates are light yet sturdy, plus they fit into every grocery cart, no matter how much or how little you buy there's a CRESBI system for everyone. Check it out: ALL CARTS!
SUPPORT A COMMUNITY-MINDED WOMAN-OWNED COMPANY - Sun Sugar Farms is a 100% woman-owned business and supports many nonprofit organizations including schools and food pantries.
A: It all started with beans. And hating waste. For these reasons and more Linda Fritz created CRESBI Crates, a crate and strap system that's stronger and more durable than reusable or plastic bags for the grocery, but also doubles as an easy way to harvest her produce. As the owner of Sun Sugar Farms in Verona, Kentucky Linda had been growing edamame and sun sugar cherry tomatoes. By 2012 she was selling hundreds of pounds in the local Cincinnati area while also donating produce to schools and food pantries. "I was transporting the edamame in boxes and I hated that the boxes were getting soggy and probably getting thrown away", she explains. "So I bought a couple bins like the produce guys use at the grocery store use. At the same time stores had started pushing plastic bags over the paper ones that I was using for weed control in my garden. And I thought why couldn't I use the bins for groceries?" Since those initial bins were a bit too large and industrial (and after many trials and tribulations) she designed a strap that she makes in Kentucky to go with a lightweight collapsible crate that's the perfect size. As her farm business grew the crates were easy for use harvesting by any of her student and women workers because of how much they could hold without getting too heavy. Plus both strap and crate are dishwasher safe, stack easily when preparing for deliveries, and fold up quickly when not in use. Last year Linda grew over a ton of edamame and sun sugar cherry tomatoes. And every one of them? Yep, picked in a CRESBI Crate.
Q: What is the right size CRESBI product for me?
A: It depends on how often you go to the store and what type of cart you normally use. Check out the pictures on the product pages but to be safe, the standard size fits in every cart out there.
Q: What are CRESBI crates made of? A: CRESBI crates are made of virgin polypropylene (#5 plastic) beacuse CRESBI needs to be strong and dishwasher safe. Because CRESBI is made of #5 virgin plastic it is 100% recyclable! We intend CRESBI to be the last piece of plastic you will ever need to buy!
Q: How do I open and close them? A: If your CRESBI has a strap simply lift the strap and it will open the crate. Otherwise lift the sides straight up. To close, squeeze the sides and tilt forward and back.
Q: Where does the name CRESBI come from?
A: CRESBI stands for Collapsible Reusable Environmentally-friendly Stackable Box Idea. It gives the little crates an identity instead of just being "the crates". Plus "K" sounding words are fun to say and hear.
Q: How did you come up with the CRESBI crate idea?
A: It was a combination of hating the plastic bag monster I'd have to recycle every month or so, never buying into the reusable bags because they weren't very sturdy, and trying to find small enough collapsible produce bins to take my bulk edamame to market. The first crates I found for the edamame were pretty industrial but I began using those prototypes for groceries and people asked about them and thought they were a neat idea!
Q: How can a CRESBI Crate system help me stay healthy?
A: We believe YES! Open up your crates when you shop and put your items in with the barcode up. Set the CRESBI crates on the conveyor and at the larger stores you can ask the clerk to scan the items with a handscanner. They'll love you because they increase their scans per minute, and you'll love you because you avoided a bunch of germs and colds. When you get home you can always wash the CRESBI and remove 99.9% of the bacteria you may have picked up. Check out this segment of Mythbusters to see how easily germs are spread:
Q: Besides helping eliminate plastic bags from landfills, what else can CRESBI crates do?
A: Save time! How silly is it that we handle an item so many times: Pick it off the shelf, place in cart, place on conveyer, scan item, place in bag, place bag in cart, push cart to car, place bag in car, carry bag into house, go back and get stuff in car that fell out of bag, take bags back to grocery store. With the CRESBI crates you can open them in your cart, fill them with the products UPC codes up, and use a handheld scanner so you can leave them in the crates as you checkout. They hold more but not so much that they're too heavy, and they will not break easily like those chintzy plastic bags!
Q: Isn't carrying a CRATE into the store kind of weird? How do people react to CRESBI crates?
A: Yeah, it's definitely different! But baggers love them because they're not flopping around like reusable bags, checkers love them because they improve their speed, and people who value their time and the groceries they purchase describe them as "genius". See our customer testimonials below!
Q: Why aren't all of the CRESBI products made in the USA?
A: I tried! When I contacted various plastics manufacturers about making the collapsible crates for me no one was interested. In fact, one company told me if I wasn't Kroger, I wasn't interested in renting crates and I didn't have $200,000 for a mould then they couldn't help me. The crates had just come out in China and the middle size fit every grocery cart I could find perfectly. I made some design changes to improve how they were carried and stacked and I created the custom strap with extra hook for grocery carts.
Q: What's wrong with the cheap reusable bags sold at grocery store checkouts?
A: The cheap reusable bags that grocery stores sell for almost nothing and the promotional ones that corporations give away as an act of being eco-friendly are going to be more of a problem than plastic bags! Most of these reusable bags are made out of nonwoven polypropylene, the same material that bottle caps are made of. Bottle caps are not supposed to be recycled with your normal #1 and #2 recyclables because they burn at a different temperature. So now you have a material that doesn't hold much, rips easily, can't be machine washed, and can't be recycled easily when you're ready to get rid of it. Where does it end up? The landfill. There are literally millions of them out there. Plus you're paying for it to carry as advertising for the grocery store THINKING that you're being "green"?? Don't fall for this sham!
Q: Why do CRESBI crates cost so much more than those cheap bags?
A: You're getting so much more that, if properly cared for, will last an extremely long time. The first crates I could get my hands on were from ebay, cost $20 for just one, with handles that made them difficult to stack, and they only came in black.
Q: I dropped my crates and the sidewall broke, can I get a refund?
A: Sorry, but no, the crates are not guaranteed by damage that might occur if you drop them. Although they are tough, the posts that makes the walls swing into place are only made of plastic like the rest of the crate, that is why they are so lightweight and easy to use. You can still assemble your damaged crate permanently and use it for storage.
Q: I want to some CRESBI crates as a gift to another address, can I include a personal note?
A: Yep! Just put in your notes what you want to say (or email [email protected]) and we'll print it up and put it in a nice envelope!
Q: Got any testimonials?
A: Do we ever! Customers who bought when we first started selling CRESBIs in 2012 are still using their crates! CRESBI crates are being used by consumers across the United States, Canada and even Australia to save time, products, and the environment when it comes to carrying groceries. Businesses like ESPN Sports Channel's Video Library at its headquarters in Connecticut, the Tennessee Valley Authority's biology department, and Meals on Wheels volunteers in Silicon Valley also are utilizing the packing power and convenience of the CRESBI crate! Here's what some of our happy shoppers are saying about their CRESBI crate systems, let us know what YOU like! ___________
My goodness! These are fantastic! They're so slick how they open and the reaction of the checkout people is that they love them, too! I also love having my own basket and not having to wipe down the store's basket for quick trips. You can tell right away that the quality and design is better than any other crate out there. I am one satisfied customer and tell all the others who are asking about these to definitely buy a CRESBI system!
Sherry C/Cincinnati, OH
Went to Remke Sunday and wow – I was asked about these crates about 5 times. I love them. They are easier to carry than reusable bags and I feel like they are more sanitary. They are very easy to load and unload too. You may absolutely use my full name for this testimonial – when I find something this cool, I want people to know. Kimberly Banta Ed.D./Assistant Superintendent, Kenton County School District, Independence, KY
I love my CRESBI system for Costco, Aldi's, Walmart, you name it! It's easy to clean, too, unlike reusable bags and the thermal insert is handy for keeping my cold food cold!
Wendy K./Chicago, IL
We were initially intrigued with the idea of giving out something that had rigid sides vs a bag that flopped over. We also didn't want to hand out reusable bags since most recycling centers won't take them and they may end up being more of an environmental problem. When we gave out almost 1000 CRESBI crates with the Shoreline name on the strap our
residents were impressed with the ingenuity and concept and many used them right away in the grocery store. The lime green CRESBI crate was the most popular since our sports teams use the same color (Seahawks and Sounders). Feedback from grocers and baggers is that they come across reusable bags that have not been washed or cleaned and they feel it is very unsanitary to have to handle these items. With the CRESBI crate, they are easy to wash, and stains and other liquids can’t be absorbed into the product. Also, Linda at Sun Sugar Farms was such a pleasure to work with from point A to point Z. She was available for questions and concerns every step of the way and we really appreciated the personalized service. We like that she had also looked into using recycled content but found that the virgin material would mean a much longer lasting product. I would highly recommend any city government implementing a bag ban consider the CRESBI product as a way to help their residents embrace the new law.
Tina Kendall/Public Works Department, City of Shoreline, WA
I'm a contractor and I hate using the store's grubby basket when I need to grab a few things. The CRESBI crate is cool how it pops open and when I get the black strap it will match my son's school football team colors! Mike J/Cincinnati, OH
I’m not going to lie. When I first received an email from Linda of CRESBI Crates I was not sure I needed ANOTHER thing to tote to the grocery store. I mean, I already have a ton of reusable grocery bags that seem to be doing just fine, so why did I need a reusable grocery crate? But boy, was I wrong! I love these things. Since receiving some of the reusable grocery crate samples from CRESBi, I have been testing them out at various places. I’ve used them at Costco, Sam
’s Club, Kroger, ALDI and even to my sister-in-law’s to carry food we were bringing to share for the weekend. I love that they are sturdy enough to carry a lot of groceries, but fold flat for easy storage. They have built-in handles but the hook-on straps make them SO much easier to carry around. They are perfect for warehouse stores or ALDI stores where you don’t get bags anyway! Brenda/Meal Planning Magic
After going to the grocery and stocking up on ice cream, I headed off to the pool. After 90 minutes basking in the sun, it occured to me I hadn't unloaded the groceries. Fortunately, the only damage to the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough came later that night. Thank goodness for my insulated CRESBI crate! Mark S/Some pool in Northern Kentucky
We love and use our CRESBI crates regularly! Our baggers keep threatening to steal them! Pete & Sally K/Anderson, OH
Our family's lime green CRESBI crates with the TYE DYE straps continue to impress people and generate "wow" comments wherever we go. It's so much fun shopping with our CRESBI crates. We
like the convenience, simplified checkout, and plastic-less/paperless packaging. We think it would be awesome if 99% of shoppers used the CRESBI system. Aloha! Michele Lam/Half Moon Bay, CA
From a customer of Deron Schell, Realtor for Huff Realty: Ok Deron Schell I used my Cresbi Crate at the grocery last night for the 1st time. The 1st person that looked at me came over and when I explained what they were he liked them. No more plastic or cloth bags was great. Thanks for intro to me. Huff Real Estate Gift to New Homeowners/Florence, KY
We used my crates for the first time last week. AWESOME!!!!! No plastic bags. Groceries sorted when I got home. We are cooking a big dinner for Mother's day. I sorted my ingredients for my dishes in the crates. We are going to use the crates to transport my dinner. Totally AWESOME!!!!! PS. Seriously, check out at Wal Mart less than three minutes. . . . .$369.00 groceries and check out three minutes. . . Not a record for a egg muffin at the Golden Arch. . . but Wal Mart. . . .Wal Mart could give these away and make money in labor costs savings. . . .Thanks for making my life EASIER. . . . Roylene B/Lubbock, TX
I sent out a bunch of info on Cresbi cra
tes to the other vending machine owners I know and I really hope they look into it. Honestly, I have no idea how we would be doing all of this without our crates. I LOVE THEM! They have been the most helpful tool we've gotten for the business! Tiffany Maniates/Healthy Craving Vending Machines, Brighton, CO
Our paths crossed when my husband and I were coaching the chess club at our kid's elementary school. Linda put on these fabulous, well-attended chess tournaments at another school in
northern Kentucky. She is one of the most amazing event organizers! We traveled to a lot of chess tournaments back in the day and hers were by far the most fun for kids, parents, and coaches.
Now Linda markets this awesome product (CREBSI crates) that I use for groceries, organizing the back of my car, for road trips, picnics, camping...check them out. They hit the pitch for both the organizer and environmentalist in me! Pam F/Ft Thomas, KY
We've used CRESBI crates for food shopping, but they have been handy for transporting many other items including paperwork and dishes. We got great comments from the folks bagging our groceries. You can pack a lot of food in these crates! Dave B/Huntsville, AL
I bought CRESBI crates to haul groceries because I'm a "greenie" and Linda's explanation of the product fit right in with my beliefs and nee
ds. I am not mechanically inclined, and if I can throw the CRESBI crate together and use it, then break it down, then ANY one can do it. It's a much more permanent solution to grocery bags (both conventional and soft cloth that are touted as environmentally friendly), AND it comes with an insert for refrigerated/frozen goods! The CRESBI crate is very reasonably priced and I believe it will last me for YEARS and YEARS to come...thanks Linda for your foresight! Lori P, Lula's for Lunch/Independence, KY
The CRESBIs are working extremely well for us. The production assistants seem to be using all of them and they are holding up with the tapes quite nicely. They’ve really helped open up some space at our desks and keep the clutter to a minimum. Thanks for your help! Kevin C/ESPN Video Library/Bristol, CT
Awesome product! Liz Fox/Pittsburgh, PA
Took my Colossal CRESBI shopping today. They worked well. I hooked them on my cart even with my 2 yr old sitting in the front seat. He did rest his feet on them but that is ok. The cashier at Whole Foods went CRAZY over them and called everyone over to look at them. The bagger was afraid of overloading them. I kept telling him he could put more in.
I loved that my produce was kept separate and not smashed. My favorite part of using the CRESBI's was that my 7 yr old was able to help carry the groceries in for me. He usually tries to help but the bags tear or he drops the gallon jugs. He said it was so much easier to carry in the crates! 🙂 He actually unloaded the whole car for me. 🙂 Jamie W/Loxahatchee, FL
Why isn't everyone using these!? Troy M/Eugene, OR
I used your CRESBI crates, bag and insert tonight during my shopping trip tonight and was totally impressed! They really did hold so much more than I thought they would. And being able use all 4 containers was great. It was fun, they stacked, held everything and I was really excited. I asked the cashier and bagger what they thought, and they liked them as well. The bagger thought it was fun to find places for all the products. Debby H/Harrison, OH
I love your products!! In fact, I put a link on my Facebook page to let all my friends know about CRESBI. Jan L/Deltona, FL
Initially I was an apprehensive Cresbi Crate user since they were given as a gift, but 3 months later I am totally hooked! Don’t be fooled by the size – each crate holds more than you would think. Depending on the groceries, I can fit 3 – 4 bags of food in one crate. However the best part is that the groceries stay organized in the crates…no more reaching into the back of the trunk to retrieve apples, yogurts, etc. I have also found that bringing the crates into the house and unpacking the groceries takes less time than plastic bags. All the food is visible in the crates so you’re not fumbling through numerous bags to find that one little item you need for tonights dinner. Another plus – they are dishwasher safe! I mostly use my crates for groceries but the larger one I have used for potluck casseroles. I also use them anytime I need to transport multiple smaller items. People frequently stop me and ask about the crates. I highly recommend them! Chris M/Union, KY
I've received my crates today and they are fantastic!! I'm hoping these will catch on when I start going to the store with them! Ken T/Austin TX
We took the CRESBI crates camping with us on a rafting trip. With all the gear we
had it was much more organized to have the crates keeping the food from rolling all around in the back of the SUV. Then when we were done they collapsed down to give us more room on the way back home. Very nice design and we are glad to have found them. Krista L/Lexington, KY
Garrick S, the talented actor playing the dad in the crazy family in the CRESBI promotional video agreed graciously to work for crates. After the shoot and before the production crates arrived one of his sons (both are featured with him in the video) was with him at the grocery. As the person ahead of them was struggling with a bunch of reusable and plastic bags, slowing everyone down, Garrick's son turned to him and said, "Dad, crates are better." From the mouths of babes...Linda Fritz/Sun Sugar Farms
Got ketchup? 15 bottles in one CRESBI crate! Josh L/Walton, KY
I love my crates! I enjoy them very much!Carla B/Huntsville, AL
Today, I used two crates to shop two diff stores and I loved them! I loved carrying them up to my second story apartment. I love that my bread did not get crushed in a plastic bag, jammed between two other bags, while the circulation in my fingers was cut off. I stacked my two crates neatly at my feet while I unlocked my door. I didn't have to search again for all the 'handles' of the plastic bags.
Last week for a celebration, I needed to transport chicken parmesan straight out of the oven - hot and liquidy, the worst kind of food to take in a car. I put aluminum foil over the dish, and set it into the cresbi cooler, then zipped it up and placed it into the cresbi crate. My car stayed clean!!! The cooler got washed this morning and it is clean and drying out in my kitchen. Timely purchase!!! Gail L/Cincinnati, OH
We ordered several of the CRESBI Colossal 6 Packs when they first came out. A year later we ordered more - they're great for keeping our glass jars of water samples in the cooler because they don't get soggy and the straps make it easy to carry the crates over your shoulder. Dennis B/Tennessee Valley Authority, Biology Department, Norris, TN
Never took the items out of the crates because I put them in with the barcodes up. Checker just used the hand held scanner then we placed the crates back in the cart. Fantastic. Mary J/Painted Post, NY
It's wonderful how you can put so many different types of items into just two little crates. Bread and juice together, quietly coexisting without becoming one. Plus they stack perfectly and you don't have any round things going free-range on you. I also save 15-20 plastic bags every trip and when I put my items in them with the barcodes up my checkers can scan about $100 worth of items/minute. They love CRESBI crates, too! Marie L/Cincinnati, OH
Getting through Walmart as quickly as possible is my ultimate goal when it comes to grocery shopping. The CRESBI crate system helps me do that! Marilyn B/Troy, PA
I had been doing some research online about the plastic bag ban (which I'm for!) and I was researching alternatives to the standard reusable bags. Those things are awful! I was almost going to purchase plastic shopping baskets like the ones you find at stores to use while shopping. Well lucky for me I stumbled across your website for these CRESBI crates and your a genius!!! What you say and what you stand for I'm all for it. Watching a few of your videos on your crates I was so impressed. When I thought it couldn't get better you would show yet another great tip or another use for your products. I have been working in the grocery business for 13 years now so I know the impact of plastic bag usage and the quality of those cheap reusable bags.Again Thank you! Liz D/Sterling Heights, MI