Fold easier and faster
These table-top Folding Fixtures can make hand folding the Sustainable Produce Containers a little faster and easier on your hands. Each fixture is made up of a base, plunger and registration pegs that hold the container in place while you finish the folding the Kliklok sides. The Riser is needed for the taller 1.5 Q and 3 Q sizes that have the double vents. It includes “poppers” for the higher vents and pegs to lock the riser to the base. These MDF (medium density fiberboard) versions are sold at cost and we are hoping when plastic prices drop back down we can then CNC the fixtures from plastic (easier to clean, last forever) and lower these prices. A fixture will ship in a 12″x12″x6″ box. If you need more poppers and you have a 3D printer we can send you the file for free to make your own. Also, if you order an entire pallet (even mixed sizes) a Folding Fixture is included free if you would like one.
Complete Set* (folds all 8 sizes)…$100 (save $25)
Large Fixture & Riser (2 Quart, 3 Quart)…$50
Medium Fixture & Riser (Low Profile Pint, 1.5 Pint, Quart, 1.5 Quart)…$50
Medium Fixture (Low Profile Pint, 1.5 Pint, Quart)…$40
Small Fixture (folds Half Pint & Square Pint)…$35
*Includes 1 Small Fixture & Plunger, 1 Medium Fixture & Plunger, 1 Large Fixture & Plunger, 1 Riser & 4 Poppers, 16 Registration Pegs (1.25″ long, 1/4″ diameter).
Here’s a video on how to use them:
Can you fold these containers as fast without a folding fixture? Maybe! You may get super-fast like this customer is with folding the 2 Quarts below. We like her technique and how crisp the boxes look and folding 4 per minute of the big 2 Quarts is pretty impressive! I was able to fold the same amount as her using the jig with no practice and saved about 6 seconds. Barely…
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